Paste can store text, source code or sensitive data for a set period of time.
SSEC PasteTxt allows you to paste and share blocks of text/code with anyone for free, you simply write a title, choose a (optional) syntax language, paste your text, set the visibility, paste-expiration, (optional) a password and share it.
* You are able to choose from a huge list of syntax languages.
* You can highlight certain parts, with SSEC PasteTxt's own highlighter.
* You can set the visibility as: Public, Unlisted or Private.
* You can optionally password-protect your "paste".
* You can optionally encrypt your note.
* You can set the paste expiration to: "Never", "View Once", "10 Minuttes", "1 Hour", "1 Day", "1 Week", "2 Weeks" or "1 Month".