qbin is a minimal, simple and yet flexible and feature-rich pastebin service. - Configurable paste expiration - Clickable links in pastes - Syntax highlighting (automatically guesses the language if...
View ArticlePasteFS
pastefs.com is a place where users can store their files, texts, pictures, videos privately as well as publicly. It's a programmer's best friend as programmers can store their code and retrieve it...
View ArticleInfused Editor
The application accessible via a proxy server web : http://bit.no.com:43110/1NFUSEDZjmCFJE1JSG5UjwCRK6zDwQRQd7 With Zeronet installed and running, the application is accessible with this address :...
View ArticleIPFSBin
Distribute your code snippets in IPFS. Many languages syntax supported. Source code : https://github.com/VictorBjelkholm/ipfsbin
View ArticlehasteIPFS
Code sharing application in JavaScript for the distributed network IPFS. You can get the open-source code when accessing locally ( ) to this application.
View ArticlePasteOnline
Pasteonline is a website where you can store any text online for easy sharing. The website is mainly used by programmers to store pieces of sources code or configuration information, but anyone is more...
View ArticleYogurl
Urlify code and files. Paste code, get the src url. Yogurl is made by devs for devs, install the Yogurl CLI via npm. The simplest and fastest way to host a file for development pourpose.
View ArticlePrivateBin
Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES in Galois Counter mode. This is a fork of ZeroBin, originally developed by Sébastien Sauvage. It was refactored to allow easier and cleaner...
View ArticleCryptopasteit
Earn Bitcoins shows you how to earn Bitcoins in easy ways. Pastebin alternative that pays you in bitcoin free, doge ,earn bitcoin fast, earn bitcoins online & earn bitcoin ads
View ArticleSSEC - PasteTxt
Paste can store text, source code or sensitive data for a set period of time. SSEC PasteTxt allows you to paste and share blocks of text/code with anyone for free, you simply write a title, choose a...
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